Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Imus(t) Stop Talking

WOW!!! Its been quite a few days for the provocative topics of race, ethnicity, and gender for our country. Topics that we don't like to have a discourse on. First, Newt Gingrich opens his mouth (which is never a good thing in my estimation) and equates Spanish with the ghetto. And then apologizes in Spanish on YouTube. Really? In Spanish on YouTube? Hmm. Because apologizing via that medium will reach all those he offended. When I read about this, it reminded me of an incident a few years ago when this ass from Maryland felt the need to share his misinformed thoughts about Spanish too. Then on the heels of that, Don Imus refers to the Rutgers women's basketball team as "nappy-headed hos." So if youre keeping tally at home for the year, I believe that's three (somewhat powerful) white men-Michael Richards, Newt Gingrich, and now Don Imus (who I like to refer to as Death Angry) that obviously have some issues with folks that dont look like or speak like them. In addition, I just read that one of the kids from MTV's "The Hills" and "Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County" was arrested and in the process punched an officer in the mouth and called him a "n-----" and a "f-----". Damn!
The thing I find interesting in this whole Imus situation is the reaction of Imus and the media. Ill start with Death Angry. He seems a little too conciliatory for saying something so insensitive as that on the public airwaves. He spit what he said a little to easy for me to believe that he really thinks it was a stupid thing to say. Not to mention the comedic factor being non-existent. So the idea of it being cool for Imus because Chris Rock and/or Dave Chappelle talk about race and ethnicity in what some may define as offensive is like comparing apples and oranges "bitches". Through the recent slips of racist barbs that have been exposed, I feel like white males consult the same handbook for cleaning up what they say. That is to say they are overly apologetic and then they meet with Rev. Al or Jesse. Its almost like they think that apologizing and meeting with black leaders will smooth everything over and things will be status quo. There is no quick fix in this situation for Death Angry. I think he should be relieved of his show. If this was any other workplace situation and some employee was spittin racist, misogynistic verbiage at someone, Im sure that would be done quite swiftly. Its also interesting to see that the individuals coming to say that the suspension and the apology are sufficient are white males, specifically of the Republican Presidential candidate types. Which brings me to my next point...the media.
I am surprised that this story has blown up to be as big as it has. Not to say it is not news worthy, but rather that race and misogyny are not topics this country likes to discuss on a national stage, we much rather tow the line that everyone is equal, when we all know (at some level within ourselves) that is not at all true. Whether it is Death Angry, Newt, Kramer, or my favorite former Virginia Senator. Which is why I think its quite comedic that it takes incidents like this for talking heads on news shows to question whether it is time for a national dialog on race in America. REALLY? Its 2007, we should have had this dialog many many years ago. And we wonder why other countries repel being force fed American democracy? I dont think the white power structure is ready for that conversation b/c it will shake the structure to the core. Racism may not be as blatant as what Death Angry said on a day-to-day basis, but it is institutional on the regular. And that I suspect is what the majority is not ready to recognize. For example, the recent "apologies" by the States of Maryland and Virginia for their endorsement of slavery. Which was not a apology, but an acknowledgment. Apologies include the word sorry and demonstration of remorse for your actions, not saying you have "profound regret". If I told me sister when we were coming up that I had "profound regret" for pulling her hair when my mother forced me to apologize to her, I would have probably still gotten grounded till I offered a proper apology. So to think that States involved in slavery is naive bc it will demonstrate guilt on the part of the the white power structure and that will never come to bear. As someone who is not part of the majority in this country or part of the African-American demographic, I look at this situation as an outsider looking in, so to speak. Being at an HBCU presently, it helps me understand the effect better on the African-American diaspora.


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